What’s the Best Approach to Toilet Training?

A child needs much guidance when he first gets inclined towards sitting on the potty. Being a Montessori teacher, you’ll need to guide him through certain primary activities. At home, the parents will guide him with pulling his pants down, rubbing the toilet paper, pulling his pants up, flushing the commode, and washing off his hands. However, a Montessori teacher also needs to ensure a clean and happy ambiance for the child.

Give More Freedom to a Child

You can mould the bathroom to ensure more freedom for the child ever since he starts showing an inclination. A potty can be placed within the toilet so that the child can access it more easily whenever he needs it. Alongside a few clean underpants, you may choose to keep a few clothes for cleaning. You may even put a bucket within the bathroom and teach the child to put the wet clothes within it. It will help the child to get into his dry underpants much faster. The child will gradually learn to do things on his own instead of relying more on you. Slowly, he will take ownership of this entire process.

The Role of an Adult

During the potty training phase, a child shouldn’t experience interference of adults or any pressure. There shouldn’t be any punishment or reward for these activities. The child should experience adequate freedom during the natural stages of development. The teachers must ensure an easy-going environment that the child finds suitable for all possible exploration. Both the teacher and parents need to help him without being involved emotionally.

Extend Support through Tough Times

You’ll need to reassure the child and maintain your calm whenever he gets wet. There’s no point in making him get ashamed. You may urge him to change into dry clothes whenever he gets wet. You may keep some dry clothes for him within the bathroom and even help him wash his hands and wipe the floor. Let him change with his pace and extend help whenever he gets overwhelmed.

Every child has his whims and fantasies, and it takes a while before he can concentrate on his regular activities. Being a teacher, you’ll need to identify the specific needs of the child and act accordingly.

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