What Does It Take For a TEFL Aspirant to Shape Her Career?

Teaching English is a lucrative career option at various private training organizations and colleges worldwide. Both in terms of duration and cost, the courses may vary from one another.

It is of great help to English teaching aspirants if they can maintain an excellent standard. They must pursue A-level training courses to take teaching as a profession.

What Are TEFL and TEFL Certification?

TEFL or Teaching English as a Foreign Language illustrates the instructions for teaching English to non-native speakers. It has even grown popular with the term TESOL, which is an acronym for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Being a professional field of training, TEFL/TESOL has grown beyond leaps and bounds at a much faster pace than any other language training.

Individuals attending this training field can explore several professional opportunities for teaching English as a second language in other nations. For those native and fluent English speakers that are eager to visit other parts of the world, the TEFL certification renders great assistance in building a career abroad.

As a matter of fact, when you apply these terms in the fields of teaching English abroad, you won’t find any difference between TESOL and TEFL. Both of the acronyms carry the same meaning – teaching English to non-English speakers. The TESOL and TEFL certification mean the same when and possess interchangeable terms in most cases as it signifies teaching English to foreign nationals.

The phrase “Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages” or the term TESOL is frequently applicable to the opportunity of teaching English to non-native speakers in nations that speak native English. The term TESOL will be specifically used for those that wish to achieve degrees and work as an inhabitant of New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, US, and Canada.

What Does TEFL or TESOL Certification Include for Teaching English abroad?

Many language institutes and schools are hiring teaching aspirants carrying TEFL TESOL certification for offering English language training inside a foreign nation. Most inhabitants of such a nation could be speaking any other language than English.

Teaching English abroad doesn’t make it mandatory for you to acquire a college degree, teaching experience, and degree in education. However, it really helps in getting placed when the career aspirant possesses professional degree training.

English speakers are mostly recruited by the training facilities backed by the government, private training companies and language schools for teaching abroad. The professional authorities have set specific standards for arranging TEFL certification training all over the globe.

What Do The International Standards Include?

It is truly important that you pursue your TEFL certification from some organization that can render job search assistance. The course must contain:

  • A minimum coursework of 100 hours
  • A minimum practicum of 6 to 20 hours including observation of live performance observation and teaching practice involving some non-native English speaker (It doesn’t count on the role-playing sessions attended by TEFL trainees)
  • A curriculum accredited by independent  and notable organization acting in the field
  • Guidance and training services rendered by an authentic instructor possessing a Masters Degree in TESOL

What Are the Necessary Skills Sets?

  • In-depth knowledge of English language
  • Ability to Design Courses and acquiring teaching knowledge
  • Excellent skills for verbal communication
  • Ability to read fluently
  • Effortless writing skills
  • Analytical ability of thinking
  • Determination and persistence
  • Be thoroughly attentive towards every detail
  • Possess knowledge on using some hand-held device or computers for performing the basic tasks

What Is the Working Environment Like?

  • You could work from home, in some college or with some language school.
  • You might even need to work in some outdoor environment at times.
  • You could take your language training initiative or create online materials and apps for EFL training.

By gaining experience, you could join a commercial college or language training schools and move up to a managerial position. Some of you may even consider joining some private tuition.