Before delving deeper into the question we started with, let’s first say a few words about what TEFL exactly is. The acronym stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. So, those who do not speak English as their mother tongue, are entitled to the training offered by TEFL trainers or teachers. It is easy
The Pandemic abruptly put a stop to the daily hustle and bustle everywhere. During the first few days nobody could get over the idea of “lockdown” and all of us desperately searched for coping strategies. But soon we adapted to the “new normal” and like many other things, education became accessible via online mode. But
How often did you hear as you grew up that the more you practice, the more perfect you turn out to be? But little did anyone mention that you can only practice better when you train better. The same thing stands true for teaching aspirants also. But there are one or two options when it
Special needs children require special teaching or training processes. Only individuals with training from special education courses can attend those. However, the statistical data show that the job of Sen teachers is no bed of roses and many tend to leave within a few years. But why is it so? There are quite a few
A Japanese proverb goes like this, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher”. Not a tiny amount of doubt lies in the nobility of the very profession of teaching. But, is all of it a simple cakewalk? The answer is quite the contrary actually. There is more
Teachers love to teach and encourage others. It gives them immense joy. The good thing about teaching is that you can get in touch with different types of students. And this chance will exceed if you work as an international teacher. Being an international teacher, you will have better opportunities to explore and experience. And
Teaching a large group of children in the classroom can be an interesting and satisfying task. The enthusiasm and zeal of the students can wipe out your stress, while the positive vibes that they bring can keep things bright and optimistic. Do you also plan to be a pre-primary teacher and contribute to children’s physical,
The adoption of inclusive education strategies has rapidly increased in recent decades. With this, specially-abled students are immersed in classrooms with their developing peers. According to a recent study of the U.S., above 60% of students with disabilities spend at least 80% of their school day in general education classrooms. Inclusive learning helps students in
Do you dream of teaching English overseas? Then, you might have checked the overwhelming number of places that offer you that opportunity. But each country needs some qualifications for English instructors, and you need to abide by this. Because of government restrictions or visa requirements, some courtiers may need that English teachers should have a
Nowadays, teachers, especially pre-primary teachers have to play several roles in the classroom to maintain the flow of the course and manage the activities. But the situations are not always conducive for the teacher to carry out the whole procedure effectively. And most of the time, stress creates a roadblock in their paths. Are you